
2021 Annual Coin Sets

2021 Annual Coin Sets | The Royal Mint

2021 Annual Coin Sets
2021 Annual Coin Sets

2021 Annual Coin Sets from The Royal Mint released on the 4th of January 2021. The eight definitive coins of 2021 are joined by five commemorative coins.

Buy this coin set

The 2021 UK Annual Commemorative Coin Sets are available in precious metal editions or struck in their circulating alloys, and are finished to either Silver or Gold Proof, Silver Piedfort (double-thickness), Base Proof, Premium Proof, or Brilliant Uncirculated standards. See below for the details of all sets and individual commemorative coins. See all coin sets.

The Royal Mint 2021 Annual Coin Set Coins

The 2021 Annual Coin Set from The Royal Mint in the UK features the new release of British Coins will include five commemorative coins that capture a snapshot of the year’s most important celebrations and anniversaries.

Royal Mint Coin Sets Value

The value of the Royal Mint Coin Sets depends upon the condition and scarcity of the coins included. The BUNC sets are an affordable way to collect all the significant coins for a particular year without having to buy them one by one.

Mintage Figures

Coin Set NameMintagePrice
Gold Proof Coin Set (Sold Out on day of release)95£7,100
Silver Proof Piedfort Coin Set (Sold Out on day of release)300£587.50
Silver Proof Coin Set550£640
Premium Proof Coin Set2,500£210
Proof Coin Set7,000£155
Brilliant Uncirculated Annual Coin SetUnlimited£55
Brilliant Uncirculated Definitive Coin SetUnlimited£30
Mintage Figures

Prices on day of issue, plus P&P

Her Majesty The Queen 95th Birthday £5 Coin

Queen 95th Birthday Coin
Queen 95th Birthday Coin

£5 coin released to wish Her Majesty The Queen a happy 95th birthday (1926 to 2021) as she continues to make a nation proud.

The obverse impression in the Queen’s effigy with the inscription “· ELIZABETH II · D · G · REG · F · D · 5 POUNDS ·” and the date of the year

The reverse is a depiction of the floral emblems of the United Kingdom accompanied by Our Royal Cypher and the inscription “MY HEART AND MY DEVOTION 1926 2021”. The coin shall have a plain edge and in incuse letters the inscription “FULL OF HONOUR AND YEARS”.

In March 2021, the 95th Birthday Of The Queen Coins set was released as individual coins, outside of the 2021 Annual Coin Sets.


H.G. Wells £2 Coin

HG Wells Two Pound Coin 2021
HG Wells Two Pound Coin 2021

War of The Worlds Tripod Error Coin?

There is a lot of speculation from UK Coin collectors that the alien fighting machine in the book (and movies) is described and shown as a TRIPOD (having three legs) where as on the coin, it is depicted as having four legs! We have asked The Royal Mint for a comment on this.

Will it become an “error coin”?

This subject has caused quite a stir on Social Media however, UK Coins has been informed this is not an error but the designers interpretation, here’s a quote from the American coin and medal designer, Chris Costello, that was issued as part of the production brief before the coins were manufactured:

I was inspired by vintage H.G. Wells book covers and movie posters. Who can forget the spine-chilling jellyfish-like robots conceived in the promotions for The War of the Worlds?

That creature was my favourite and I created my own interpretation of it that would take advantage of the circular canvas and appear to climb out of the composition. The canvas also perfectly accommodated the clock face motif for The Time Machine, and having both elements seen behind the space where the head of The Invisible Man should be completed the design nicely.

I was very excited to discover that I won the competition for this £2 coin as it is my second design sculpted and produced by The Royal Mint. As an American, I am honoured to be included among The Royal Mint’s winning designers and am very happy that my H.G Wells design will document the legacy of this extraordinary author and visionary for many years to come.

Chris Costello

Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 – 13 August 1946) was an English writer now best remembered for his science fiction novels and is often called the “father of science fiction” or the man who made science fiction reality!

Sir Walter Scott £2 Coin

Sir Walter Scott Two Pound Coin
Sir Walter Scott Two Pound Coin

New Sir Walter Scott £2 coin celebrating the 250th Anniversary of his birth in 1771 (died 1832).

Sir Walter Scott the Scottish novelist, historian and poet who made history come to life!

Obverse Design is an impression Our effigy with the inscription “· ELIZABETH II · D · G · REG · F · D · 2 POUNDS”.

The Reverse Design is a depiction of Sir Walter Scott accompanied by the inscription “SIR WALTER SCOTT NOVELIST HISTORIAN POET” encircled by the inscription “250TH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS BIRTH” and the date of the year. The coin shall have a grained edge and in incuse letters the inscription “THE WILL TO DO, THE SOUL TO DARE”. The gold coin incuse letters are on a plain edge

Find out more about Sir Walter Scott. See the Royal Proclamation of the coin design.

John Logie Baird 50p Coin

John Logie Baird 50p
John Logie Baird 50p

John Logie Baird 50p coin celebrating the television pioneer and commemorating 75 years since his death (1946 to 2021).

Obverse Design includes an impression Our effigy with the inscription “· ELIZABETH II · D · G · REG · F · D · 50 PENCE · 2021”.

Reserve Design includes the inscription “JOHN LOGIE BAIRD TELEVISION PIONEER” accompanied by a depiction of a television mast emitting circular radio waves with a range of dates relating to John Logie Baird and the dates “1888” and “1946” aside the mast.

Decimal Day 50p coin

Decimal Day fifty pence coin 1971 2021
Decimal Day fifty pence coin 1971 2021

Decimal Day 50p coin celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Decimal Day from 1971 to 2021.

The obverse design is an impression of Our effigy with the inscription “ELIZABETH · II D · G · REG · F · D · 2021” with the denomination “50 PENCE”.

The reverse design has the inscription “1971 DECIMAL DAY” accompanied by a range of pre-decimal coins (such as the Wren bird for the Farthing coins – 1 Farthing = 1/4 of a Penny).

The coin shall have a plain edge

For those too young to remember, Decimal Day in the United Kingdom and in Ireland was the day on which each country decimalised its respective £sd currency of pounds, shillings, and pence.

2021 Annual Coin Sets By Metal

2021 Annual Coin Sets are available in cupro-nickel (BUNC), Silver, and Gold in limited edition proof or piedfort (double-thickness)

2021 United Kingdom Silver Proof Coin Set

2021 Silver Proof Coin Set

  • Limited Edition 550
  • Sold out at The Royal Mint

2021 United Kingdom Premium Proof Coin Set

2021 Premium Proof Coin Set

  • Limited Edition 2,500


2021 United Kingdom Proof Coin Set

2021 United Kingdom Proof Coin Set
2021 United Kingdom Proof Coin Set
  • Limited Edition 7,000


2021 United Kingdom Brilliant Uncirculated Annual Coin Set

2021 United Kingdom Brilliant Uncirculated Annual Coin Set
2021 United Kingdom Brilliant Uncirculated Annual Coin Set


2021 United Kingdom Brilliant Uncirculated Definitive Coin Set

2021 United Kingdom Brilliant Uncirculated Definitive Coin Set
2021 United Kingdom Brilliant Uncirculated Definitive Coin Set
  • The year’s definitive coins finished to a higher standard than the circulating coins you’ll find in your pocket
  • Does not include the five commemorative coins

Buy Definitive Coin Set

2021 United Kingdom Silver Proof Piedfort Coin Set

2021 United Kingdom Silver Proof Piedfort Coin Set
2021 United Kingdom Silver Proof Piedfort Coin Set

Limited Edition 300

Sold out on the day of release

2021 Gold Proof Commemorative Coin Set

The 2021 United Kingdom Gold Proof Commemorative Coin Set

2021 United Kingdom Gold Proof Commemorative Coin Set
2021 United Kingdom Gold Proof Commemorative Coin Set

Limited Edition 95

Price: £7,100

Sold out in 14 minutes!

Royal Mint Annual Coin Sets

Previous year’s Annual Coin Sets may still be available on The Royal Mint website.

The 2020 Annual Coin Set included the much sought-after 2020 Team GB Olympics Coins, celebrating the Olympic Games (that never took place). Check our page on 2019 Annual Coin Sets. See also the 2.